About The Charter

Sign up now

Co-created with businesses and the arts and cultural sector, the Hull & East Yorkshire Creative Charter is a rallying cry to support and champion our region's incredible creativity.

All types and sizes of organisation are encouraged to sign this free, first-of-its-kind charter.

Charter Commitments

In signing up to the Hull & East Yorkshire Creative Charter, organisations make four commitments:


We connect with arts and culture to drive the success of Hull & East Yorkshire


We shout loud about the impact and importance of arts and culture in Hull & East Yorkshire


We help power the growth of arts and culture in Hull & East Yorkshire


We believe everyone in Hull & East Yorkshire has the right to thrive through arts and culture

Sign the Hull & East Yorkshire Creative Charter now

Sign up now

“Thank you for supporting arts and culture in Hull & East Yorkshire - and in turn helping the growth of the regional economy”

Dominic Gibbons, Chair of HEY Creative and MD of Wykeland Group
Max May, Chief Officer, HEY Creative

Founding Signatories

The Hull & East Yorkshire Creative Charter was launched on Monday 3rd June 2024 at Humber Business Week.

It launched with 20 founding signatories from across the private, public and third sector, representing a diverse range of organisations of all kinds and sizes.
Ephicient logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoPipelinx.co logoAriseHealth logoEast Riding of Yorkshire Council's logoRollits LLP logoFuture Humber logoEphicient logo
OE logoThe Paak logoPipelinx.co logoThe Deep logo2020INC logoAriseHealth logoOE logoEphicient logoCHCP logo
We Are Creative

Download your Signatory Toolkit and resources

Access resources to support you to champion your support of the Hull & East Yorkshire Creative Charter

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